Musical Talmud: Rude by MAGIC!
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Did Katy Perry kill a leopard and skin it to make the sexy top she’s wearing in this music video?
Why the Ender’s Game move was a decent translation of the book, but a terrible adaptation of it.
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What a difference an “a” makes.
George Lucas claims Indiana Jones could survive a fridge-nuking. Dr. David Shechner tells us why that’s crap. Science!
Not nearly as many as Kermit seems to suggest.
Does the site that subjects the popular culture to a level of scrutiny in probably doesn’t deserve even know what the popular culture is?
What are those dreams made out of, again?
An examination of the apostrophe catastrophe that occurs when you let “smart” quotes do the thinking for you.
“What happened to the guy that stood up Sarah Connor?” and other important questions in Terminator Studies.