Gender and Race: The Relationship Between Same-Sex Couples and Interracial Depictions in Television
Why are same-sex TV couples more likely to be interracial than straight TV couples?
Why are same-sex TV couples more likely to be interracial than straight TV couples?
Why aren’t they called “The Revengers”?
Subjecting Oscar acceptance speeches to a level of scrutiny they definitely don’t deserve.
Not nearly as many as Kermit seems to suggest.
Can we predict the future of the IMDb Top 250 Movies List with statistics? Spoiler alert: no, not really.
Measuring actors’ Prestige Factor by their movies’ release dates
Spoiler alert: weak R squared values ahead.
The surprising connection between Law and Order and law and order.
Is it “Super Bowl” or “Superbowl”?
Bieber Fever meets Microsoft Excel and race/ethnicity demographics