Overthinking Cowboy Bebop: The One-Eyed Spike and the One-Handed Jet
Who knew that Cowboy Bebop was basing its characters on Proto-Indo-European mythology? French philologist Georges Dumezil, that’s who!
Who knew that Cowboy Bebop was basing its characters on Proto-Indo-European mythology? French philologist Georges Dumezil, that’s who!
Merry Christmas everybody! I got you 10,000 words about the Cowboy Bebop series finale.
Hard Luck Woman opens with pretty much the same image that Brain Scratch closed with: television. Some details are different, of course… it’s Faye watching, rather than some anonymous audience, and rather than watching a communication from Londes, or the … Continued
Cowboy Bebop takes a turn for the self-reflective, raises doubts about the persistence of identity, and throws a dog into a minefield. Kind of a busy half-hour, truth be told.
This week on Cowboy Bebop: Death, Westerns, and the secret of the Sun stone! Yeah, you heard me.
This week on Cowboy Bebop: Tales of Batman, Horror, and Narrative Closure.
How to disenchant your spaceship.
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Disc four out of six. We’re on the home stretch here, folks!
The second half of the series is, for want of a better word, a lot sloppier.
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Stokes picks up on Cowboy Bebop right where he left off. On the menu for this week: sexually ambiguous saxophonists and mutant space blobs.