Game of Thrones and the Aesthetics of Fascism
Yeah, I went there.
Yeah, I went there.
Paranormal Romance is totally a thing. And it totally has a formula.
Suzanne Collins’ magnificent YA series The Hunger Games is set in a post-apocalyptic future where a single massive city, called simply “the Capitol,” maintains its luxurious splendor by subjugating the residents of twelve favelas/client-states called “Districts,” each devoted to a … Continued
Should probably be titled “Run the World (Girls) (Don’t, obviously, or why would we even need this?)”
Some more thoughts on simplified moral calculus of HBO’s Game of Thrones.
It’s basically like the Maltese Falcon, except it’s set in the country, and the main character’s a girl, and instead of a falcon there’s a lot of crystal meth. So I guess what I’m saying is it’s nothing like the Maltese Falcon.
In a genre devoted to wordplay, foul language is not a necessary evil but rather a positive good.
He has a shotgun! BLAM! And he doesn’t take crap from ANYBODY.
Unpacking the Manifesto of Mother Monster
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