Posts by Stokes on Overthinking It

Annals of Advertising

Annals of Advertising

In 1965, the Hearst newspapers in San Francisco refused to print movie advertisements containing the words “cuties, flesh-a-scope, girlie, homosexual, immorality, lesbian, lust, naked, nothing on, nudies, nudist camp, nymphs, pervert, professional girls, prostitute, rape, scanty panties, seduce, skin-a-scope, sex, … Continued

It begins!!

It begins!!

Skyrocketing food prices cause riots on three continents. (via CNN) I told you this was bad news. Didn’t I tell you? Yeah, I told you. I’m not saying it’s time to start stockpiling spam and twinkies against the apocalypse… there’s … Continued

Back before we had a blog…

… if we wanted to entertain ourselves on the internets, we had to make stuff like this. I can’t believe some admin hasn’t deleted it yet. It’s been, what, five years now? That’s a pretty durable piece of vandalism.

Well, we can take his gun now.

Well, we can take his gun now.

Overthinkingit bids a fond farewell to Charlton Heston, who passed away Saturday night in his home, at the age of 84. This clip from the Omega Man seems oddly appropriate. See? See? Now that’s how you read a line. The … Continued