Posts by Stokes on Overthinking It

Who's the greatest living soul singer?

Who’s the greatest living soul singer? From Isaac Hayes’ breakthrough 1969 album, Hot Buttered Soul, which remains one of the great achievements in American pop music.  If you only know him as Chef from South Park, you owe it to yourselves to give his music … Continued

What Evil Drives

What Evil Drives

Once again, Overthinkingit hops into the saddle for Stacie Ponder’s Final Girl Film Club. This month’s pick:  The Car. Can we all just take a minute to consider how stupid that title is, by the way?  Sure, there’s a proud … Continued

The Famous Obama New Yorker Cover

The Famous Obama New Yorker Cover

There’s a mid-to-large sized kerfuffle brewing over Barry Blitt’s cover art for the latest New Yorker (at left).  As you can see, it shows a caricature of Barack Obama exchanging a “terrorist fist jab” with his wife in the oval … Continued

Random poetry day

Random poetry day

By which we mean not “the mysterious poetry inherent in random events,” but rather “for no real reason, today, here’s some poetry.” The Madness of Sweeney is a landmark work of medieval Irish literature, one that has stood the test … Continued

Back to the Cat

Back to the Cat

Oh my friends, I have wonderful links for you! Via Slumbering Lungfish, blog of the deeply hilarious Lore Sjoberg, I was directed to Garkov.  Garkov is a site that takes old Garfield strips and cranks the dialogue through a Markov … Continued