Posts by Matthew Belinkie on Overthinking It

Not cool, Dorothy

Not cool, Dorothy

I think I’m going to miss you most of all. – Dorothy, to the Scarecrow What the hell, Dorothy? Why do you have to ruin a beautiful moment by picking favorites like that? Let me remind you that the Tin … Continued

George Lucas is Citizen Kane

George Lucas is Citizen Kane

I recently read an article about the possibility of more Indiana Jones movies, which included this little gem: Lucas sat down with AP Television at his Big Rock Ranch outside San Francisco, where he said he didn’t pay much attention … Continued

Help Me Make Sex Sexier

Help Me Make Sex Sexier

I’m going to try and keep this post SFW. But since it’s all about sex, I’m not sure how successful I’ll be. I don’t need to lecture you all on the importance of proper branding. It can take a bad … Continued