Episode 820: Your Desk is a Palimpsest

On the Overthinking It Podcast, we tackle spring cleaning and why we aren’t doing it.

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Peter Fenzel and Matthew Wrather try to clean up.

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One Comment on “Episode 820: Your Desk is a Palimpsest”

  1. Mark L #

    While I’m washing dishes I listen to the Overthinking It podcast, and that’s been my habit for nearly 15 years! For most of that time I’ve been listening on my old iPod Nano and old headphones with the cord that gets caught on the cupboard handle at least twice per washing session. I dread the day my iPod finally dies and I have to figure out something else, since I think they stopped making them a long time ago.

    Thanks for making my dishwashing chore something to sorta look forward to since I get to listen to you guys (and not something I have to do just to make my future-self and present-wife happy).


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