Episode 514: Tony Stark Does Not Do Incognito Mode

On the Overthinking It Podcast, part 2 of our discussion on “Avengers: Infinity War,” with just half of Earth’s Mightiest Overthinkers to join the battle.

Matt Belinkie, Pete Fenzel, and Mark Lee continue the discussion of Avengers: Infinity War, with deep dives on Hulk, Tony Stark, Drax, and the secret to Marvel’s success.

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4 Comments on “Episode 514: Tony Stark Does Not Do Incognito Mode”

  1. Three Act Destructure #

    Lee also wanted Spidey to have mechanical web-shooters because it allowed him to run out of web fluid at critical moments, which he did quite often during his earliest run. He also sometimes didn’t have enough cash on hand to buy the materials that he needed to create more, which was another reason to force him to sell pictures of himself to the Daily Bugle despite knowing that they were running a smear campaign against him.

    Plus, the tension of being a broke college student trying to decide whether to buy more web cartridges or to pay the rent on time. There are some really depressing realities in those original Spidey books. Also, one time he fought a big robot on two wheels that roller-skated around his high school and called itself The Living Brain even though it wasn’t actually alive. Real everyday Joe stuff.


  2. Justin Mohareb #

    Just a quick Well Actually, the Infinity Gauntlet is actually about 27 years old. It’s much the same as most prior Thanos stories from the 70s, only vastly decompressed, padding two issues of story into a six issue miniseries.

    Much agreed that Adam Warlock is stupid.


  3. Falconer #

    In 1996 the “DC vs Marvel” miniseries was published. It was a 4 issue graphic novel series featuring matchups between various heroes.

    The matchups were “voted on” by fans to determine who would win…. you had Superman vs The Hulk, Capt America vs Batman, Storm vs Wonder Woman, Silver Surfer vs Green Lantern…. etc etc…. over the course of the books the fights went on and various winners were declared.

    About halfway in the story the two universes merge and “Amalgam Comics” is born.

    This was 12 ‘in media res’ stand alone issues…. featuring “Bruce Wayne Agent of Shield” and “Legend of the Dark Claw” (a batman mashup with Wolverine and Batman…. the villain is a crazy Sabertooth/Joker mashup called Hyena)…. Captain America mashes up with Superman…. etc etc.

    After the 12 Amalgam issues are published the two universes unmerge and the remaining 2 issues of the story were published and the two universes part ways each “acknowledging the successes” of the other.

    These would make crazy movies.


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