Eurovision 2016: Sweden Does Not Know How to Apologize

It’s that time of year again…

Ah Spring. The swallows return to Capistrano, Sam Adams Summer Ale goes on sale, and 40+ nations unveil their Eurovision songs. As fans of the site know, we have a strange fascination with the annual music contest, and we’ve covered it in some way since 2008. This year Eurovision returns to Stockholm, and the home country is an early favorite to win. We don’t have a lot to say about the song’s musical merits (for now) but we did want to give the young singer some relationship advice, before someone gets hurt.

What do you think of Sweden’s hypothetical apologies? Let us know in the comments below.

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6 Comments on “Eurovision 2016: Sweden Does Not Know How to Apologize”

  1. lemur Member #



    • lemur Member #

      Also, when you mention that the desert is far away from Sweden, that’s a picture of Nyhavn in Copenhagen. In Denmark. A different Scandinavian country.


      • Amanda OTI Staff #

        About Picasso. The Denmark/Sweden thing, yeah, we messed up. #sorry Do we need to crawl through the desert on our hands and knees now? Nooooo!


  2. Mim #

    I cannot stand sorrynotsorry songs, but this time it’s made a whole lot worse by the fact that we came so close to sending THIS instead:


  3. Mike O #

    I hate how most songs are in English. Be proud of your heritage. I don’t want Europe to be some kind of US melting pot.

    Also, every time Eurovision was held in Sweden, Denmark won. Third times the charm?


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