Peter Fenzel, Ryan Sheely, and Matt Wrather overthink artisanality and authenticity in our food, our social relations, and our popular entertainment.
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Further Reading
- Dockingjay: Logistics in the Hunger Games
- Hyperreality on Wikipedia
- Naturalistic Fallacy
- Amartya Sen and the Capability Approach
- The McRib: Enjoy Your Symptom by Ian Bogost
- Five Guys Burgers and Fries Review by Daym Drops
- Slavoj Zizek
- False Consciousness
Sorry to be a conversation stopper, but I can assure you: if you are proudly talking about having slabs of meat delivered to you home, you are hurting the world.
Oh sure one could nitpick the the greenhouse gasses related to delivery, but I’d wager that it comes down in favor of the method described.
Compared to each carnivore driving to the butcher individually… it’s like public transportation for deliciousness.
But there’s also the production of the meat, which is a huge drain on the planet.
After running out of coffee recently, I ended up grabbing some Seattle’s Best and pouring the beans into the container my single source, locally roasted beans had come in. It’s been 3 weeks and no one has said anything.
Considering Matt’s expertise in both Italian lit and coffee, I’m sure he can inform me on precisely which circle of hell I’ll spend all eternity.
It’s heated to precisely 203 degrees Fahrenheit.