Ben Adams, Peter Fenzel, Mark Lee, and Matthew Wrather overthink songs about booty, the changing of the seasons, and the fall TV lineup.
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Further Reading
- Final Fantasy VI “Book” Club
- Overthinking It Maling List
- Booty Videos: “All About That Bass”, “Anaconda”, “Booty”
- Church Crowns
- Shoulder Pads
- RuPaul, “Supermodel (Of The World)” on YouTube
- Broadcast Syndication and the Universal Television Action Pack on Wikipedia
- Fall 2014 TV Lineup
Alternative Titles
- Our Question Of The Week Is Booty Related
- Pirate Technology Is Far Beyond Anything Cavemen Could Have Comprehended
- Corn And Fire
- Speaking Of Corn And Fire, We’re Talking About Butts
- If Max Martin Is In Our Audience, You’re Welcome
- Brim Jobs
- It’s All There. It’s All Big.
- The Fault In Our Stars Is A Duck From Space
- Hurry Up With My Damn Croissant
- The Booty Is Being Enacted In Various Sorts Of Ways
- The Sexy 1984-style Police State
- Soft-rock-steampunk Technology Notwithstanding
- Be The Booty You Want To See In The World
- I Don’t Think You Heard Me
- We’re Going To Do Just As Well With Sports Puns As We Did With Butt Puns
- The Booty Was So Big It Squeezed All The Other Content Out Of The Podcast
- It Jumps To King Tut Getting His Associate’s Degree
- Bad Judge: Night Court
I am still haunted by being subjected to repeated blasts of BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY ROCKIN’ EVERYWHERE that accompanied my attempts at socializing during my junior year of college.
This podcast actually made me go and listen to Booty.
I think there’s still a lot more to discuss about this trio of songs – the one that I find most interesting, especially being incorporated with Shake It Off and All About That Bass as a [body] positivity song is Anaconda.
It seems like it sets out its stall as a song about being ‘for men’ from the first lines to the last images of the video, and yet seems to come over as an unsexy and chaotic, dysphonic mess. The visual imagery also seemed to have moved from the knowing ‘objectification’ of male bodies in Superbass which seemed a comment on the use of women in those videos to a non-ironic presence of the booty. I really want someone more acquainted with Nicki Minaj and her whole musical milieu to explain why I find this song so disquieting and so non-musical. I have now read this very interesting article but still feel there’s something more to be explored.
A little late replying on this, but just want to note as a a practicing attorney that I can think of at least one real-world judge I’ve practiced in front of who is both an objectively bad judge and would be entertaining enough to make a show about. Saying much more would probably skate closer to the bounds of Rule of Professional Conduct 8.2 than I generally prefer.
To fulfill my professional obligation to maintain public confidence in the legal system, I must note that this referenced judge is no longer on the bench.
Your discussion of syndication, which I would have defined in the same way Pete did, reminded me of these immortal words Lucy Van Pelt spoke about Christmas: “It’s run by a big Eastern syndicate, you know!”