Matt is joined by special guest Pete to talk about Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours.
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- Rumours
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- Fleetwood Mac and Rumours on Wikipedia
- Album Cover
- Lyrics
- Pitchfork on the reissue, which includes a concise history of the band
- Reviews: Rolling Stone, Christgau
I don’t have anything to say about Rumours really, although I will say this was a particularly good conversation about the album, and the band. I am just curious as to whether or not anybody in the TFT universe has listened to the self-titled debut album from Alvvays that was recently released. Because, oh man, is it good. Don’t let the spelling affectation stand in your way. I hope that, perhaps, when TFT returns to modern indie music, maybe this album can make its way onto your docket. Even if not, just listen to it, because its tremendous. If I may do the traditional music description thing and compare them in a “X meets Y” way, Alvvays sort of feels like Tennis meets Dum Dum Girls. Who can say no to that?
regarding Beck’s Sea Change as single unaccountable perspective on a breakup vs. Rumors as a multi-person internally accountable breakup:
In the entirety of all music history, can anyone point to a breakup of two musicians who went on to record separate albums from separate perspectives of that same event? like a tom sawyer / huckleberry finn split story of a love gone wrong?
Just saw this comment! Yes, there are some of these. One high-profile example is that “Cry Me a River,” which is by Justin Timberlake about his breakup with Britney Spears, was answered with the song “Everytime,” a Britney Spears song about her breakup with Justin Timberlake.
Contrary to what one might initially intuit, Britney Spears actually wrote “Everytime,” in cooperation with one of her backup vocalists who presumably knew more about composition.
I’d be particularly curious if Angus Andrew ever wrote a song about his breakup with Karen O. It would be really cool if there were a Huck Finn to “MAPS.”
Longtime, first time.
I loved this conversation on “Rumours”. The album itself is easily one of my favorite albums of all time for the songwriting, composition, and the rich lore surrounding the creation of the album. As someone who is not particularly a words person, I’m very happy that you tackled some of the lyrical content for the sake of my people. I loved the idea that every lyric and every line is dripping with double meaning and personal slams against the very person singing the background vocals. It’s a wonder that the group didn’t implode with the recording process. Then again, they probably did implode and “Rumours” is their supernova.
Yeah, that would have been one hell of a room to be in while they were recording it.