The longest day in Overthinking It history reaches its cold-brewed conclusion. Thank you for coming all this way with us. You really are our best friend.
Spoiler alert: It was all a conspiracy to get you to buy a Toddy T2N Cold Brew System (affiliate link).
→ Download The 24 Season 9, 10 p.m.-11 p.m. Recap
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What did you think of this episode? Sound off in the comments below.
The biggest disappointment… the trailer wasn’t paid off! Jack didn’t support Chloe through exploding streets while shooting at something in the sky… what a gyp!
“Something in” the sky? I thought Jack was shooting the sky itself!!
I did think it was too much of a coincidence that Cheng Zhi and Baron Von Mustache were working together. So maybe it was all a ploy to get Jack out of hiding, although that seems far-fetched even for this show. Not everything is about Jack, but everything affects Jack.
The season began and ended with Jack in custody. Mark didn’t have to forge Heller’s signature, Jack would probably have ended with the Russians anyway. Another example of Baurean irony.
BTW, there was a silent clock at the end of Day 6 for no apparent reason.