Matt and Ryan start Total Request Taped with a consieration of Arctic Monkeys’ AM, Bleached’s Ride Your Heart, and the band Kitten.
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Bleached’s Ride Your Heart from Chris Morgan in a tweet, Arctic Monkey’s AM from Julia Mathias in a comment, and Kitten from @MrKA_LA in a tweet.
- The Arctic Monkeys Official Site
- The Anthology of Rap from Yale University Press
- How Ya Like Me Now: Does rap’s suspended adolescence keep it from serious consideration? from Poetry Magazine
- Word: Jay-Z’s “Decoded” and The Language of Hip-Hop
- Key & Peele: LMFAO’s Non-Stop Party on YouTube
- Yes, Healthful Fast Food Is Possible. But Edible? from The New York Times Magazine
- Bleached official Tumblr and Twitter
- Bleached on The Weezer Cruise
- Kitten official site
- Kitten Frontwoman Chloe Chaidez on Their Upcoming Debut Album (Plus, Watch An Exclusive Video Performance!) from Teen Vogue
- Kitten at SXSW on YouTube (or jump straight to Purple Rain)
- I Drink Your Milkshake on YouTube
- Lorde Sounds like Teen Sprit from NPR
Hey, thanks for taking my request. I first heard Bleached on their first two song release, and it was some two minute blast of shambolic rock that I felt I wasn’t hearing enough of these days. Maybe that’s because all I do is listen to Pavement, or when I want some of the rap music, MF DOOM, but I digress.
Then I sort of forgot about them, before hearing “Dead in Your Head” and I was reminded about them, and so I decided to listen to Ride Your Heart. It was one of the few albums I managed to listen all the way through this year (and one of the others was Czarface thanks to Ryan’s recommendation), but that doesn’t necessarily make it a ringing endorsement.
I did really like the album. I am a big fan of slack lo-fi rock, but also wall of sound girl groups, so it should be right up my alley. However, it was a bit repetitive for my tastes. I thought a few songs were great, but overall it didn’t slay me or anything like that. Part of the problem, I think, is that her vocals are pretty flat. I also listen to, and love, Dum Dum Girls, and when listening to Bleached, I kept thinking that I’d rather just be listening to Only In Dreams for the umpteenth time.
So, basically, if you enjoy Ride Your Heart, listen to Dum Dum Girls. If you appreciated it in theory but not in execution, listen to Dum Dum Girls. Also, I have also looked at their Tumblr, and there is a photo on there of one of the ladies in the band in a phone booth. They love their archaic phone technology.
I lost contact with Arctic Monkeys many years ago. When you mentioned The Undertakers, it just made me think of Prince Paul and Gravediggaz. Also, if you search for “Prince Paul” on Wikipedia, it takes you to a page for an actual prince. Lastly, “Forever” is indeed the video with the bicycles by HAIM. Personally, that is my song of the year. I think it’s fantastic. I couldn’t get into the album as a whole, I gave up about halfway through, but man “Forever” is amazing. “The Wire” is growing on me a bit too.
I had a similar experience, I only listened to a few Bleached songs, and approve of what they’re going for, then I tried a few Dum Dum Girls songs, and was a bit more impresses. But in the end it just made me pull my “Go Betty Go” cd out again.
There’s a band that deserved to be huge, but hey, life happens.
FYI I only discovered them because of Pandora, so if you haven’t been so lucky….
that is all
I agree that the Dum Dum Girls have a bit better staying power for this kind of thing (especially their most recent stuff). The self-titled Vivian Girls album is also really strong in this vein, as is Frankie Rose’s solo album “Interstellar” (which broadens the sonic palate to include a bit more “dream pop”).
Forever is definitely one of my fave HAIM songs, and is also a top song of the year for me. I also really like “Falling” (it has started to show up on some karaoke lists, and man is it an awesome Karaoke song), and “Don’t Save Me”. Interestingly, all of those were actually released on EPs and as singles before the full-length came out. While the rest of the album is strong, it doesn’t really match the level of those jams.
I couldn’t really get into Vivian Girls. They had one song I liked, but that was it.
I was listening to the Sklabro Brothers end of the year podcast about music they always do, and they had several songs on there from female fronted bands and all girl bands (but not the All Girl Summer Funtime Band). Maybe it was a big year for that. There was one song they played I thought was great, but now I don’t remember what they were called and I don’t feel like relistening to it to find out, but the singer had a great raw, intense vocal quality I really appreciated.
So, if you want to listen to that episode of Sklarbro Country to figure it out, go for it folks.
I have answered my own question. The band is Lady Lamb the Beekeeper. The song is “Bird Balloons.”
Oh, also I have shopped at a Food 4 Less twice. It was because I got a gift cards to that chain of stores, and what am I going to do, shop at Ralph’s? What am I, royalty?