
OTI Movie Night: Expendables 2 - Overthinking It
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OTI Movie Night: Expendables 2

It should be of no surprise to you that we’re pretty excited about The Expendables 2. With a cast like this, how could we not? Besides, there’ll be plenty to overthink: the appeal to 80’s and 90’s nostalgia, the use of meta-casting, the role of kinetic violence in solving the world’s problems, and of course, whether or not Chuck Norris’s tears actually can cure cancer.

So if this sounds appealing to you, and if you live in Boston or New York City, come out and see it with the Overthinkers this Friday, August 17!

New York City

Do us a solid and RSVP in the comments if you’re coming. We’ll coordinate on this post until a few hours prior to the event, at which time we’ll broadcast last minute updates via Twitter. And if you can’t join us, be sure to tune into the podcast for our after-action report.
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