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Open Thread for February 10, 2012

As I was reviewing the major pop culture developments of the week in preparation for this open thread, I was doing my best to ignore the ever-present gossip about Russell Brand and Katy Perry. But I couldn’t help notice this article—not for its pro-Brand slant, not for the last-minute appearance of TMZ as a source, not for its gloss on Yiddish—but for its provenance: The Hindustan Times. I suppose that news outlets in the country where the couple married can’t be faulted for taking an interest, but for goodness’ sake, the paper was “inaugurated by Mahatma Ghandi.”

OK. Though I’m sure most people will be lining up for the 3D re-release of Phantom Menace, I’ve been kind of looking forward to Safe House, which was on the 2010 Black List (a yearly compilation of favorite unsold screenplays). It’s getting decent notices: “a rollicking smash-and-crash chase movie that happens to be surprisingly well acted”, and, despite similarities to the wily black veteran/naive white rookie dynamic in Training Day, looks like it’s going to be pretty fun.

Over on the forums, we’re celebrating Trailer Overload and Belinkie wonders whether he should take his six-year-old to see Episode 1.

And we’ll be launching something very special early next week… of the video variety… so stay tuned.

How are you celebrating the impending V.D.? (That’s Valentine’s Day.) Sound off in the comments (yes, we still have them), for this is your… Open Thread.

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