
NY Comic-Con 2011: Costume Photo Gallery - Overthinking It
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NY Comic-Con 2011: Costume Photo Gallery

Overthinking It’s coverage of New York Comic Con 2011 kicks off with an oh-so-wondrous costume photo gallery. For those of you that have never been to a Comic-Con, you should know that “cosplay” is a major part of the experience, and that fans go to extensive lengths to take on the personas of their favorite pop culture icons. The most popular costume this year by far was Captain America, thanks to the box office success of the recent movie. But really, I brought that up just to remind everyone that the plural of “Captain America” is “Captains America,” not “Captain Americas.”

Over the course of next week, I’ll post even more photos–I saved my favorites for their own posts–and videos, including an interview with Dan Wallace, Overthinking It reader and author of multiple Star Wars books. For now, enjoy the costumes, and start planning ahead for your upcoming cosplay opportunities, be they Halloween, your holiday office party, your cousin’s bar mitzvah, etc.

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