Very pop-funky t-shirt shop PopFunk called and wondered if there were any nude overthinkers out there in the world who needed t-shirts. As you know, we’re are more than willing to whore our pagerank out if our readers get free stuff—and we thought some of you naked folks might be cold, with summer turning to fall and all—so naturally we said “yes”!
But have a look—these guys have licenses for some pretty cool pop culture properties.

They also, in an awesome twist, wanted to do something more…overthought than you typical twitter contest. So here’s what you have to do if you want to win a free t-shirt from PopFunk…
- Follow @overthinkingit and @popfunk on Twitter.
- Pick your favorite shirt, and write a few paragraphs about why your favorite pop culture character—maybe the one on the shirt?—would want to wear it. Post it as a comment below, and be sure to include your size. Bonus points for a Photoshop of the character in your shirt. (Paste a link to a 3rd party image site.)
- Tweet (what, you thought you were going to get out of this without tweeting?): I want a free shirt from @popfunk and @overthinkingit! My favorite is… and then fill in the name of the shirt you want
Entries and tweets must be received by Sunday (September 25, 2011) at noon EST. We’ll pick five winners—one randomly from Twitter, one for best Photoshop, and one each in the categories of Movies, TV, and Comics—and they will receive whatever t-shirt they picked compliments of PopFunk.
What an awesome contest. Get writing!
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