We’ve flogged this plenty on the site and podcast before, but we wanted to give everyone in the New York City metro area one last reminder to come out this Wednesday, August 24, 9 PM, to the Tribeca Tavern & Cafe for the first ever Overthinking It Meetup.
(It’s a bar, so that means ages 21 and over.)
Meet OTI writers Belinkie, Lee, Stokes, and Wrather in the flesh, and be shocked at how different they look from their cryptic mug shots. Meet fellow OTI fans and try to out-“Well, Actually” each other. Celebrate discourse at its finest.
RSVP on Facebook if you’re coming. It’s by no means required, but it will help us anticipate how many seats to save at the bar and if we have enough people to dress up in zombie makeup and dance to “Thriller” through the streets of Lower Manhattan afterwards. Kidding about that last part! Or am I?
When you get to the bar, look for the nerds. We won’t be hard to spot.
I hope this results in plenty of fodder for posts.
We don’t need more material. We just need to start writing. :)
Haha, yeah. Let me just pass my exams and get my MA first. ::strangling noises::
Sooner or later, we’re going to get one of the collabs we’re toying with finished.
Wonderful. Well, my fall semester seems like it’s going to be soul-draining so yes, let’s just put it off for a little while.
Just out of curiosity, are the meetups always at bars?
You know, it never occurred to us to do it at an all-ages venue. We’ll give it more thought next time.
Chuck-e-Cheese’s has some great specials.
And then you could empirically test some of the stuff about tickets and exchanges, or at lest come by the tickets to do so.
Looks like the earthquake showed up a day early for the party.
I had to leave early. Did the Thriller dance happen?