Nurse that post-St. Patrick’s Day hangover with that Hair of the Dog we like to call the Overthinking It Open Thread.
This is probably of interest to our readership: Simon Pegg’s geek fan-service alien movie Paul is opening this week.
Did you see it this weekend? Did anyone calculate the anal-probe-references-per-minute rate and compare it to other seminal works of alien science fiction?
Really? You couldn't pony up an extra $20 donation to get the tote bag?
In other news, pinko-commie liberals are quaking in their Birkenstocks with a double-punch to their major sources of news: in the same week, Congress attempts to withdraw federal funding for NPR, and the New York Times announces a new paid subscription model for access to its content via the website, smartphones, and tablets.
Crisis! Where will you get your news if you’re too cheap to pay for either an NPR mug or too lazy to exploit one of the many paywall workarounds?
Lastly, we honor this week’s Comment of the Week, which, appropriately for St. Patrick’s Day week, is about alcohol:
I drink to gain more adventures.
So I can spend more time farming booze.
So I can gain more adventures.
Congrats, Squin! Your prize is the admiration of Overthinking It writers and readers…and of course, more adventures.
Here at Overthinking It, we’ve never been federally funded, and we have no enormous NYC skyscraper or expensive printing presses to justify a paywall, so comments are free! What are you waiting for? Have at it, for this is your … Open Thread.