Have a happy Imperative Day, Overthinkers! I command you to Open this Thread.
Let this Open Thread be the one where we make explicit our promise never to talk about Charlie Sheen’s ongoing meltdown (unless we uncover some proof that he’s the Comte de St. Germain or something equally overthought).

I'm so tired of pretending my life isn't just perfect and just winning every second.
Instead, let’s talk about the opening of the animated comedy Rango, Lupe Fiasco’s upcoming record release, and the news that Nelly Furtado, Beyonce and Mariah Carey have taken money to perform for the Qaddafi family. And the return of Beavis and Butthead, the most high-concept fart humor since Le Pétomane took his last curtain!
Our Comment of the Week, from fifthrider on the article Solidarity is Illusion: The Political Economy of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:
tl;dr: My Little Pony: Friendship is Pareto Optimal
Would a gunslinging gecko hunt down Lupe Fiasco for performing at a Qaddafi concert? Or is there something we missed? Sound off in the comments, for this is your … Open Thread.
The “Comment of the Week” really goes out to EVERYONE who has contributed to a head-spinningly awesome discussion on the “My Little Pony” article. If you ever have to explain to someone what “overthinking it” is, just point them to that article and its comments.
Also, agreed, we don’t need to talk about Charlie Sheen in this open thread. I closed my eyes and made it so with the power of my mind, and I cured us of that need, boom. I have tiger blood and Adonis DNA. I have a 10,000-year-old Overthinking brain and the boogers of a 7-year-old. That’s how I describe myself.
Even in job interviews?
Especially in job interviews.
What if Sheen becomes the new ruler of Libya? Is he no longer on the banned topics list?
Not much of cultural significance this week; apart from HIMYM all my shows were reruns, I don’t care for “Idol” after the last of the freaks show up for auditions, and the Oscar hosting furor seems to have died down. However, it is the second week that my niece has been on this planet (she was born on the 22nd of last month), so if I could selfishly take a moment to point that out, I would. But this isn’t the place for that. It’s the place for winning…
Sheen or Gadafi?
that was just made of win, DFTBA!
I’m all for not hearing another word bout Chuck Sheen, Really world, what the…? There is life after tv.
Not to give Sheen too much credit, but I wonder if there isn’t a little Andy Kaufman-esque performance art going on with this whole thing…nah, totally not within the bounds of Sheen’s reality.