That’s right, Overthinking It was back at New York Comic-Con, and we’ve got the crazy pictures to prove it!
Compared to last year, our coverage won’t be quite as extensive–the lack of big summermoviepreviews is mostly to blame for that–but look out for video and commentary over the next few days. Until then, enjoy these pictures from the convention floor.
(Update: if you’re reading this through an RSS feed, you probably won’t be able to see all of the witty captions I wrote for the pictures. Click through to the article to see them.)
Stormtroopers chilling with Boba Fett. Just a typical Comic-Con scene.
Intel had a serious PC gaming pavilion, but the Guitar Hero on dislay was curiously dated (3rd edition)
Starcraft Tournament was far less exciting than I was expecting.
The spectators seemed pretty into it, though.
Competitors were in the zone.
Han Solo frozen in carbonite, in Lego form.
Anime dance troupe. What, you’ve never heard of an anime dance troupe?
There was a significant Magic: The Gathering presence at Comic-Con.
This is a lie. What happens at Comic-Con gets posted all over the Internet.
This new Michael Jackson dance game attracted a lot of attention.
Dancing Wario STOLE THE SHOW.
“Princess Peach is not my lover. She’s just the girl who thinks that I am the one.”
MJ dance game was so bizarre, it deserves its own post. Stay tuned…
Comics, artists, and readers are still at the heart of Comic-Con.
Merchandising, merchandising, merchandising!
Impressive (presumably) DIY Gears of War costume.
Any guess as to how hot it is inside of that costume?
Marvel gives away free stuff, crowd goes bezerk.
Yup, Archie comics are still around…
…and commenting on politics too!
Wall of comics.
Weapons galore at Comic-Con.
It appears she has in fact caught them all.
Big “Walking Dead” presence–graphic novel, soon to be AMC TV series.
Comic-Con was far more racially diverse than I was expecting.
Green Hornet promo booth. Slightly more attractive than Seth Rogen.
Kick-Ass and Hit Girl costumes were a fairly common sighting.
Plenty of table-top gaming action at Comic-Con.
Marvel was pushing Thor and Captain America pretty hard in anticipation of upcoming movies.
It’s not Comic-Con without half-naked X-Men.
Steampunk Iron Man was one of the best costumes I saw.
Nice people with mean monster, part 1
Nice people with mean monster, part 2
Nice people with mean monster, part 3
This is my Warhammer face.
Yes, playing Guitar Hero is a perfectly legitimate part of my “press coverage” duties.
What? You would have done the same if presented with the opportunity.
I *think* this is Ms. Pac-Man, but I could be gravely mistaken.
Very nice spread of photos.
Glad you were able to get in and get those.
And Ms(I’ll say Ms, just to be safe) Pac-Man is wrong….Just simply wrong.