Episode 32: Georgina ex Machina

Sheely and Wrather welcome Glee back for its second season, and consider the many meanings of Britney Spears, spirit animal.

Ryan Sheely and Matthew Wrather welcome Glee back with a consideration of the three-dimentional gender/power/assertiveness continuum in light of Coach Bieste, the many meanings of Britney Spears, spirit animal, and a slightly dispirited look at developments on Gossip Girl.

There will be no spoiler warnings and there will be many naughty words. If either of those things bothers you, don’t click!

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4 Comments on “Episode 32: Georgina ex Machina”

  1. Pasteur #

    I think you’ll find The Bishop and the Warlord to be the lightest metal.


  2. Christy #

    Regarding Facebook on Gossip Girl – Darota “defriended Mr. Chuck on Facebook and in life” last season plus I think she used Facebook to find Chuck 2.0 in the ep where Bart died. So maybe only Darota uses Facebook (and Chuck).


  3. Chatworth Osborne Jr. #

    You had me at “never hear of Dan and Vanessa again,” which was sadly at the very end of the podcast.
    Also missing Skins….


  4. Megan from Lombard #

    I actually hated the Britney episode of Glee. Maybe it was because there was hardly any plot, it seemed to me that it was nothing but her hits with the regular acting as filler. The whole thing didn’t flow like any other episode of the show, so that could be another cause. The face!palm moment (for me) came when Artie starting singing ‘Stronger.’


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