Episode 25: Accoded

Ryan Sheely returns from Africa and joins Matthew Wrather to discuss urbanism, disability, and man-on-man action in relation to Skins Series 2, Episode 1.

Ryan Sheely returns from Africa and joins Matthew Wrather to discuss Skins Series 2 Episode 1. There’s so much to say that they don’t even get to the second episode: a number of comparisons to Glee and Gossip Girl; the depiction of injury and disability; urbanism and diversity; a typology of class and geographic dynamics in teen soaps; and a typology of man-on-man action.

Also, Ryan invents a new word, which earns Matt a PhD.

There will be no spoiler warnings and there will be many naughty words. If either of those things bothers you, don’t click!

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Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Charles Tilly, Cities and states in Europe, 1000–1800

piece of Chicken

Five Napkin Burger

Skins Fanfiction (much of which features the second generation)

8 Comments on “Episode 25: Accoded”

  1. Megan from Lombard #

    I feel that slash is an aquired taste because, even though I’m female, I’m not that into it (but I could just be the one that skews the data). I don’t have anything against the people who write it or even the work itself, it’s just not my cup of tea.

    And there seems to be slash fic (and slashers) in about any fandom that exsists, or at least in the fandoms that I frequent. It might be because the men in the series might connect more than what society deems is “acceptable” and people get slash happy.


  2. Chatworth Osborne Jr. #

    Wait, somebody found Sketch unattractive?


    • stokes #

      The actress who plays Sketch, Aimee-Ffion Edwards, is super cute. But I’d wager that the production team went to some lengths to deglamorize her in most of her scenes here. She’s not just wearing men’s clothes, she’s wearing desperately unflattering men’s clothes; they tend to calibrate the lighting and makeup so that she her face is washed out; etc. etc.


    • Matthew Wrather OTI Staff #

      …terrible hairstyle, terrible makeup: It’s very purposeful. She’s made to look plain at the beginning of her episode so that at the end, when she puts on the black dress, looks feminine, an and goes to Anwar, the sense of transformation is emphasized.

      Or were you being sarcastic?


    • Gab #

      Also, one could argue it was intentional on her part, as well. She tapes her breasts down at first to be more like a boy, only later deciding not to (as Wrather said, in order to be more attractive so as to seduce Anwar).


      • stokes #

        I see what you’re saying, Gab, and in a way I want to run with it, because it gives more agency to the character. Which would be nice.

        But then I remember Hilary Swank as Brandon Teena in Boys Don’t Cry, who made for an extremely handsome and well dressed man. The production team could have made Sketch look masculine or androgynous without giving her the bad lighting/makeup/clothes/etc./etc. that they did, so I’ve got to think it was intentional.

        Probably has to do with where the audience’s sympathies are supposed to lie. You’re obviously supposed to be on Brandon’s side, on Sketch’s… not so much. You’re not supposed to hate her, exactly, but you’re definitely supposed to see her as “other.”


  3. lee OTI Staff #

    Props for the Jane Jacobs reference.


  4. Timothy J Swann #

    Re: Skins fan-fiction, I’ve come to the conclusion that Rule 34 is actually the precursor to a more universal law, namely: It Is On The Internet. Want subjection of pop culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn’t deserve? It Is On The Internet. Want a redubbed trailer of Toy Story with the Dark Night? It Is On The Internet. Want a Channel 4 teen series fan-fiction? It Is On The Internet. Vanishingly less is not.


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