With Perich on well-deserved vacation from OTIsponsibilities, I have returned to my former position as the arbiter of the pop culture news of the weekend. It is a pleasure for me to once again lay these delicious morsels of entertainment before you.
Knight and Day. Because he's like a knight. And also they're very different. It's punny.
Alas, we don’t even have to wait until the weekend to see the latest news of “june gloom” at the summer box office. Knight and Day, which had been billed as Tom Cruise’s triumphant return as a suave action hero, opened on Wednesday to the tune of $3.8M, which is apparently a disappointment, though it’s more money than I will make in my entire working life. Friday morning is a little early to call the game, and a ginormous ad buy (they were all over Burn Notice tonight) with some decent pull quotes may get the whole thing on track, but I wouldn’t be surprised if, come monday, we hear that Mission Impossible 4 is off.
(Let me confess that from the trailer, it looked to me like a halfway decent, amusing, popcorn movie. But I have no taste.)
See it? Love it? Hate it? And what do you think accounts for the downturn in summer box office (after a banner year in 2009)? Are we finally getting sick of remakes, sequels, and bad comic book adaptations?
Speaking of Burn Notice, I got a big kick out of this week’s episode. (Mlawski liked it too.)
Speaking strictly for myself, I’m enjoying this season, whether or not it gives aid and comfort to the enemy, though I’m not really on board with the new guy. And with Treme wrapped up for the year, I’m ready for some vapid summer fun. Burn Notice… White Collor… Entourage (hey, I told you I have no taste).
Any summer TV you’re loving or can’t wait for?
Finally, iPhone 4 was released yesterday, and has already taken America by storm. 600,000 online pre-orders the first day. Lines around the block (again!) all over the country. A party the likes of which we haven’t seen since Moses ascended Mount Sinai. Verily, yea, verily, this is the God phone, which delivered us from Egypt and the clutches of Pharoh…
And Steve spake unto them and said, "Take off the gold earrings, bracelets and amulets worn by your wives and daughters, and bring them unto me." And verily he threw the ornaments into a great fire, melted them and poured them into a giant mold. Out of the mold came the golden iPhone 4, one cubit wide by one cubit tall by two and a half cubits long.
So…um…did you get one? And what you think of the hype! OMG R3t1n/\ |)1$pl@y!!!!!!!!1!!1! (With apologies to The Onion.)
Chew over these tasty morsels or suggest your own. This is your…Open Thread.