What, does no one smile in season four? Cheer up, guys!
Hey, folks! I’m back and ready to Lost-ify. Special thanks to Ryan Sheely for holding the fort until I returned. I haven’t read his article yet—he warned me it was not only primarily spoilers, but in fact only spoilers—but my mother ensures me that it is an enchanting piece of work. If you haven’t read it yet, please do so—but only if you’ve seen all of Lost season five.
I, however, am way back in the land of the fourth season, and I’d like to talk about time. Time is… confusing. To say the least. (I know this because I saw The Time Traveler’s Wife last night. My one-word review of the film: Mehhhhhh.)
We humans tend to think of time as a straight line pointing forward—but is it, really? Lost’s writers certainly don’t think so. That would be too simple, and, as we well know, Lost doesn’t like simple.
Plot-wise, Lost’s fourth season was exciting and somewhat overwhelming. A staggering number of important events occurred over the course of just twelve episodes. Because there was so much plot, it was hard for me to tell if there was an overarching theme tying everything together. But if I had to pinpoint one main theme of this season, it would definitely have something to do with the nature of time. Over the years, science-fiction writers have used time travel and paradoxes to explore many different themes: the inability of humans to escape the deterministic nature of the universe, the joint themes of regret and revenge, love’s ability to transcend time and space. So this week, I’ll try to answer this question: when Lost starts talking about time machines and psychic flashes and trick flashforwards, what is it really talking about? What is time a metaphor for? At heart, what is season four of Lost about?
But first, let’s recap the episodes I watched over the past two weeks:
Episode 4.1 (“The Beginning of the End”): Or is it the end of the beginning?! In the present, the clan splits in half yet again! Half of the group follows Locke and Hurley to the Barracks to become Team “We Don’t Want to Be Killed by the Freighter Crew,” and the other half sticks around with Jack as Team “We’re Getting Off This Friggin’ Island No Matter What.” Also, Hurley finds Jacob’s cabin and Jack’s dad is inside, because that makes complete sense. Meanwhile in the future, Hurley sees Charlie’s ghost, gets involved in a police chase, goes back to the asylum, meets up with The-Creepiest-Dude-In-the-Whole-Show-Which-is-Really-Saying-Something-When-You-Think-About-It (a.k.a. Mr. Abaddon), and notices that Jack has a beard. Phew! You see why I said the amount of plot stuffed into this season was overwhelming?
Episode 4.2 (“Confirmed Dead”): This time around, we get flashbacks for the four new cast members: Faraday, the twitchy physicist who cries while watching the news; Miles, the sarcastic and shady medium; Charlotte, the not-particularly-interesting anthropologist who once found a Dharma polar bear in the desert for some reason; and Lapidus, the grizzled but friendly pilot who was supposed to pilot Oceanic 815. In the present, Team Jack hangs out with Faraday, Lapidus, and Miles; Team Locke has imprisoned Charlotte and Ben Linus. Also in the present, I laugh every time someone says “Lapidus,” because I always hear “the penis.” Hur hur hur. But he’s a cool guy, really.
Episode 4.3 (“The Economist”): I’m renewing my Sayid fan club membership. (Or, as my boyfriend would say, my girl wang is engorging into a new Sayid boner. Classy.) In the present, Sayid trades Miles for Charlotte and gets a spot on Lapidus’s helicopter, along with Desmond. Oh, and Ben has a spy on the freighter–But Who?! In the future, Sayid has become the main character in a LeCarre novel and is boning German fox Elsa to get at her employer, the titular Economist. But Elsa is double-crossing Sayid, and Sayid has to kill her. And also Sayid is working for Ben Linus! I love this episode.
Episode 4.4 (“Eggtown”): A bit of a disappointment after the last episode, Eggtown was about how Miles knows What Kate Did and about how Kate leaves Sawyer for Jack. This isn’t Eggtown; this is Yawnsville. Meanwhile, in the future, Kate gets off with probation and goes back to her son, who is neither Sawyer’s nor Jack’s but is actually Aaron. Aha! So Desmond’s flash of Aaron and Claire getting off the Island was only half-right.
Episode 4.5 (“The Constant”): This episode is going to be hard to recap. Well. In the present (?), Desmond gets Island sickness from leaving the Island and now thinks he’s the Desmond from 1996 and in the Royal Scots Regiment. He will die unless he can find a constant that exists in both eras, i.e. Penny. (P.S.: Lost, that is not what a scientific constant is. FYI.) In 1996, Des meets up with past!Faraday, who is working on a time machine for small fuzzy animals. Except the small fuzzy animals tend to die after they travel in time. Whoops. Fortunately, past!Desmond gets Penny’s phone number and calls her in the present, thus saving his life, and it is totally cute. My notes for the end of this episode read, “AWW” in really big capital letters. It’s not my favorite Desmond episode, but I approve, Lost. I approve.
Episode 4.6 (“The Other Woman”): Again, any episode after “The Constant” was bound to be a disappointment. This one was just okay. In the past, Juliet was boning Goodwin, who was married to her pissy shrink, and Ben was a petty mofo because he wanted Juliet. Boo-hoo, Ben. Go jerk off, okay? In the present, Juliet and Jack try to stop Faraday and Charlotte from letting out the poison gas from the Tempest station, but they claim that they were only neutralizing the gas so Ben can’t use it again. Then Juliet and Jack make out.
Episode 4.7 (“Ji Yeon”): Okay, this episode is also hard to recap. There’s a flashforward, a flashback that looks like a flashforward at first (Pretty sneaky, Sis!), and two present day plots. Flashforward: Sun has a baby, and Jin is dead. Flashback that pretends to be a flashforward: Jin runs to get a stuffed panda for someone who is pregnant, but it’s not Sun; it’s some other person. Present day on the Island: Juliet tells Jin that Sun had an affair. Present day on the freighter: Des and Sayid find Ben’s spy–hey, it’s Michael!–and learn that Charles Widmore arranged for the fake Oceanic 815 that’s under the sea.
Episode 4.8 (“Meet Kevin Johnson”): I don’t think I’ve said this before, but I do like Michael. I’m glad to see he’s back, and I am sad he’s gotten himself into such a bad situation. I kind of wish he didn’t kill two people… but on the other hand, what an amazing plot twist it was! So I can’t really hate the guy. He made for good television. Anyhow, in the past, Michael got off the Island but now Walt won’t talk to him because, you know, he killed two people. Michael tries to kill himself a bunch of times, but apparently the Island a) can work its magic even from very far away and b) is anti-suicide. Luckily, Tom and his gay lover are available to give Michael a way out: if he kills Charles Widmore’s people on the freighter, he’ll save the Losties and get his soul back. But he shouldn’t kill all of them, only the bad ones. Ben doesn’t like killing innocents… at least until the season finale. Then he’s totally cool with it. Meanwhile, back on the Island, Rousseau (sob) and Karl get shot down, leaving Alex alone in the woods with the assailants.
Episode 4.9 (“The Shape of Things To Come”): I liked this episode a whole lot. Oh, lordy… Am I a Ben Linus fan? I think I might be. I didn’t know that about myself until right now. In the present, the freighter’s doctor washes up on shore, dead, but he’s still alive on the freighter. Oh, space-time. How wacky you are. Also in the present, Keamy uses Alex to bring his crew into the Barracks and blow up Claire’s house. (She’s fine, though.) Keamy says he’ll trade Alex for Ben, but Ben says, “Hells no!” and is shocked when Keamy actually kills Alex. That poor girl. She didn’t even get a flashback. Then, Ben summons the smoke monster, which beats up on Keamy’s crew. That was hot, Ben.
Meanwhile, in the future, Ben Linus is an international man of mystery, running around Tunisia, Iraq (where he visits the bereaved Sayid, his soon-to-be personal assassin), and England. In England, he has a very interesting conversation with Charles Widmore, in which some mysterious rules are mentioned (“You’ll wish you never changed the rules!”) and in which Ben vows to kill Penny. What a fantastic plot twist! But oh man, do I worry about Desmond now.
Episode 4.10 (“Something Nice Back Home”): In the present, Jack needs his appendix out, and Claire inexplicably runs off with Christian Shephard. In the future, Jack starts going a little nutty but doesn’t yet have a beard. Meh.

Episode 4.11 (“Cabin Fever”): In the past, John Locke was a preemie born to teenage Emily Locke. Hey, I just realized that Ben’s mom’s name was Emily, too. Are Locke and Ben related? I’d buy that. But I guess that would have to require that Ben’s mom didn’t actually die giving birth to him, because otherwise how could she show up in “Deus Ex Machina”? Well, by time travel, I guess, but that seems kind of forced. Then again, Lost loves time travel! Eh, I guess we’ll see.
Anyway, over the course of Locke’s life, he was followed around by Richard, who seems to be some sort of immortal Professor Xavier figure, and Abaddon, who was still creepy like whoa in the past. In the present, Keamy stages a mutiny and decides to torch the Island, and Locke, Ben, and Hurley try to track down Jacob. Locke enters Jacob’s cabin and finds Claire and Christian, who tells Locke he needs to move the Island. Yes, that’s right. Move the Island.
Episode 4.12 (“There’s No Place Like Home”): Here goes. In the future, the Oceanic Six lie about what happened on the Island. Sun becomes the badass I always knew she could be and buys up her dad’s company to screw him over. Jack finds out he’s related to Claire and Aaron. In the present, Locke and Ben go down into the Orchid station, which has a time machine (yay). Ben kills Keamy, which means the freighter will blow up from his dead man switch, and then Ben moves the Island. But before that happens, the Oceanic Six plus Sawyer get on the helicopter. Michael dies in the freighter explosion, and Jin theoretically dies but I won’t believe it till I see a body, and Desmond meets up with Penny. Sawyer jumps out of the helicopter ‘cause they’re running out of gas, so probably by this time next season he’ll be sexing up Juliet, which I find incredibly weird. Finally, the Oceanic Six get home, the present meets up with the future, and this Jeremy Bentham everyone’s been talking about is actually John Locke and now he’s dead to boot. Ben tells Jack he can’t go back to the Island without everyone else, but Claire tells Kate in a dream not to bring Aaron back. Also: they moved the Island! They actually moved it! That’s too cool.
(A note: Yes, I’m writing about the whole season this week, not about bits and pieces. There were so few episodes to begin with, and I felt like watching them all. What? They’re addictive.)
She didn’t even get a flashback <—- ROTFL
Loving your analyses, Mlawski, and I love how you’ve got utterly sucked in and watched season 4 in one go! Me too ;)
I wanted to ask you if you have watched the DVD extras on the seasons as you’ve gone through. I remember you said you weren’t going to and someone advised you against that strategy. In particular, the mobisodes (Missing Pieces) on the S4 DVD are well worth a few minutes of overthinking.
I would also agree, you should watch all the DVD extras – well, not the ‘Making of’ type, they’re pretty boring, but the other stuff is definitely worth thinking about, and not spoiler-y for S5 in my opinion. Maybe a few clues, but not spoilers…:)
And thanks for these articles, I have enjoyed them muchly!
I think the show will ultimately have the endless tragic cycle of fate be broken by the transcendent power of True Love — which, as we saw in “The Constant,” defies the rules of time and logic. At any rate we won’t really know until the end of season six.
By the way, as I mentioned last time, Geoff Klock pointed out the cool absurdity of Ben’s house. So in a tropical jungle there’s a suburban bungalow. Inside that house there’s a secret high-tech James-Bond-style room. And inside that secret room there’s a second, magical, Egyptian secret room! All this serves as a pretty good metaphor for the layers-of-an-onion way Lost handles its mysteries.
No love for “The Constant”? Really?! Come on — that’s probably my favorite episode of all, not to mention a fan favorite! It has heart, humor, but most importantly, some really cool sci-fi beats at each act break (example: “I need you to go to Oxford, Desmond… to find me!” CUT TO BLACK).
And I hesitate to add that I always get choked up at the end of the episode… love Desmond and Penny.
But let’s get back to Season 4. I was hoping your recap would be broken up into two parts, since there’s a lot of ground to cover…
I really, REALLY wish the WGA could have waited until, say, 2011 to go on strike. I think having a strike-shortened S4 really threw a wrench into things, which contributed to the rushed and overloaded episodes, as you noted. Would have been good to have things breathe a bit more…
Thought #1: is Claire dead? I think so, but no one in the fan community knows for sure; the Oceanic Six certainly think she’s still alive. But that was a pretty terrible explosion, wasn’t it… I rewatched the episode over the weekend, and key to the scene (which I think most everyone missed originally) is the line from Miles in Ben’s house — they ask Claire if she’s OK, and she says something like “I’m a little dizzy, but I’ll live.” Miles answers “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” Now, originally I thought (as I think most people do) Miles is just referring to their situation — they’re surrounded by the mercs and they seem to be doomed. But remember, his quips often have the ring of truth to them — and he’s the only one who can speak to “ghosts,” “spirits,” whatever you want to call them. So I’m guessing she’s actually dead, and the island made her appear to live for whatever reasons it may have had at the time. (Also the reason why you see her with dead Christian in Jacob’s shack)
Thought #2: was anyone at all disappointed by the abrupt killing of Rousseau? I’ve always regretted that. (Now, Karl… I have no qualms about him)
Thought #3: why was Desmond’s vision wrong? Why did Claire not get on the helicopter with Aaron? (This is actually the one thing that’s bugged me about that whole plot point) I’m wondering if this will come up again in S5/6…
Thought #4: when it comes to “Meet Kevin Johnson,” I had forgotten ENTIRELY about Libby popping up from time to time. Makes me wonder why the creators insist Cynthia Wattros didn’t want to come back post-S2 to do any guest appearances…
Thought #5: I’d love to hear your thoughts on the “frozen donkey wheel” that Ben turns at the end of S4 (which transports him to… the beginning of “Shape of Things to Come,” another favorite ep of mine). He ends up in Tunisia… Charlotte’s ancient polar bear skeleton was found in Tunisia… the island is connected somehow to Egypt (with all the hieroglyphics in the underground caverns), which is near Tunisia… so what’s the deal?
Thought #6: I never thought Keamy was all that menacing in his first few episodes; by the time we get to the end of the season, he comes off as an unstoppable, psychotic killing machine. I absolutely LOVED that.
Thought #7: just what the heck are the “rules” Ben mentions to Widmore? If Widmore broke them to kill Alex (sniff)… can’t Ben do the same and just kill Widmore? Hmm…
Thought #8: so Hurley can not just see Jacon’s cabin, but is able to locate it as well… is he “special” in the same way that Walt and Locke are? Is he key somehow to what’s been happening on the island?
Anyway, my apologies for an epic post — lots of things to discuss from this season. Now HURRY UP and get to S5… which may be my personal favorite of them all! And then we can talk a little more directly…
@Kevin: Thought #3: why was Desmond’s vision wrong? Why did Claire not get on the helicopter with Aaron?
It could simply be that Desmond lied so Charlie would be willing to die so he could get back to Penny. Or he saw Aaron get on the helicopter and just assumed Claire would be there, too.
@mlawski: Did you read the Time Traveler’s Wife before seeing the movie? I can’t imagine it was as layered as the book.
@Tom: I think at this point, Des wouldn’t do anything to intentionally let Charlie be harmed — remember, they canoe out to the Looking Glass, and Des tells him to stay put… HE is going to turn off the jammer. (Charlie, of course, has other ideas.) So he wouldn’t lie to him just to get to Penny. I also don’t think his vision was so vague that he’d assume Claire was with Aaron… but now that you mention it, the few visions we DO see of his are extremely fragmented. It’s possible.
I’m wondering if somehow, his vision actually WILL end up coming 100% true — though that will take someone playing around with time itself…
“The Constant” is also my favorite episode, Kevin. I’d add that there is also an element of redemption here, too- and that there are definitely strong currents of love in “Ji Yeon.” In “The Constant,” the whole reason Des couldn’t find Penny when in “the past” was because he dumped her, but he is redeemed when he makes the life-saving phone call. He earned that redemption because of that strong love he never let go of- it was so “constant*” that he got her back, so to speak. In “Ji Yeon,” the bond between Sun and Jin is redeemed, even though both demonstrated duplicity and disregard for it before the island. Sure, okay, Jin is “dead,” but what happens on the island makes Sun miss him so much that she still cries out for him and tells the hospital workers helping her give birth to call him; and the island’s events cause Jin’s love for Sun (and their unborn child) to give him impetus to allow himself to die, or at least make sure they’re safe before thinking of his own safety.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Claire actually died, but there is a kink with this: while the people we know for certain died appear as visions during waking hours, Claire appears in a *dream*. Oh, the ambiguity.
I’d posit season 4 is attempting to say that how we approach our destiny determines how we experience it. Does that make sense? My example is, again, “The Constant.” Des and Penny are destined to be together, but Des tries to break up with her; yet he can’t get away from her, even when they’re in different times. When he finally, fully accepts this, he reconnects with her- but up until that point, it was pretty dang sh*tty for the both of them.
Oh, and yeah, I was pretty “WHAT?!”-ed by Rousseau’s death. I didn’t really care about the boyfriend, but her? Yikes.
*Like so many multiple-meaning items in the series, I think the word “constant” as the episode title refers to Penny AND Des as being what keeps time-travelers alive (because if Faraday is writing that, it’s not unreasonable to assume he’s been time traveling, too, or that he will), the love the two have for one another, their never- waving hope that they’ll be together again, and their continuing searches and efforts to reunite.
For the record, I DID like The Constant, a whole lot. I only said that it wasn’t my favorite Desmond episode — I think I prefer Flashes Before Your Eyes, personally. I know what I’m going to say next will be unpopular, but here goes: The Constant was incredible from a technical perspective–the flashes back and forth in time could have been very confusing, but they weren’t–and the end was wonderful. My issue was with the shady physics of the whole thing. I guess I can accept the whole “time travel makes your nose bleed” thing, even though it’s kind of silly; Dan said the nosebleeds were caused by a brain hemorrhage, but I’m pretty sure that would cause much worse symptoms than nosebleeds–like, say, a stroke. I also have other complaints about the nosebleeds, but those are season five-related, so I’ll save those for next week.
The nosebleeds are one thing, but this idea that you need a human constant to fix time sickness doesn’t make sense to me at all. Why does it have to be a person and not a place or an object, for instance? Surely 1996-Desmond recognized SOMETHING when he traveled to 2004–it’s not like he traveled to a time period that was so completely different his brain would explode trying to understand everything. I know it wouldn’t have been as wonderful an ending, but couldn’t someone on the freighter have played a Spice Girls song so Desmond could use that as his constant?
And, really, 1996-Desmond doesn’t know ANYONE else’s phone number? He couldn’t have called his parents? Or a friend from high school? Or are we to assume that everyone he knew changed their phone number over the last eight years?
Sorry, I’m being pedantic, I know. But when sci-fi stories don’t work on a sci-fi level, it bothers me, and I can’t enjoy the emotional bits as much.
@Tom P: No, I never got around to reading The Time Traveler’s Wife. I’d assume the book was better, if only because I really did not like the movie.
@Kevin: Re: your question about why the Island seems to be linked to Egypt, I have your answer: aliens. The aliens built the pyramids, didn’t they? QED. (No, I’m really not giving up on my “aliens did it” theory of Lost. Not now! Not yet!)
@mlawski: re “The Constant” — IIRC, Farraday says a constant DOESN’T have to be a person, it can be ANYTHING. But the key is: it has to be something that has a *special* meaning to you in both time periods.
It’s not like Des could have landed on the freighter, said “Hey! This is a boat! I knew about boats in 1996!”, and been fine. It’s got to be something really, really important… and for Des, the most important thing in life is Penny. (And given that we’ve never seen him talk to his parents, much less mention them, I don’t think they’re important to him at all… if they’re even still alive. Same with his friends — he’s had no contact with them for years by 2004, unlike Penny.) And it’s not so much a question of “understanding” what’s going on, or what time period you’re in — it’s being able to lock your brain down to some sort of personal consistency about your life. To “jump start” things, if you will, and get you back on track.
And re: the nosebleeds — honestly, I think it’s mostly a consistent, “filmic” way of showing someone gradually falling to pieces. Sure, they could have passed out instead… but nosebleeds, frankly, are cool. Mainly because it allows the other characters to go “Hey… your nose…”, and the victim to wipe quizzically at their face, only to see the blood and realize they don’t have much time left. I don’t think the writers cared that much about the biology or “science” of it… just that it worked effectively.
(Most importantly… it sounds like you’re already into Season 5. Yes!)
As for Egypt: did you know they Lost staff actually has an Egyptologist on the crew? Don’t know how long that’s been the case… but we’ll see if your alien prediction comes true. You never know!
@ mlawski: I assumed Desmond needing a constant meant a strong emotional bond, not some random object of familiarity. That likely implies that Desmond becomes more important to Faraday though, I suppose.
I’m curious to get your take on the father figure/issues as they relate to redemption, if you get a chance.
Am really enjoying your analysis each week. Thanks! :)
“Oh, lordy… Am I a Ben Linus fan? I think I might be. I didn’t know that about myself until right now. ”
Haha, this was basically my exact reaction to that episode as well. :D
“Kate thinks about Sawyer all the fricking time”
As a Sawyer and Kate fan, I enjoyed this observation a lot.
@mlawski: now that you’re all the way through S4… I’m curious if you have any interest in Michael Giacchino’s score for the show. I find it to be some of the most richly-themed music written for television, with an abundance of motifs that are repeated throughout each season. And most of the characters have their own unique themes — I’m particularly fond of Sun/Jin’s and Rose/Bernard’s. I know it has little to do with the more obvious elements of the series (plotting, acting, symbolism, character naming, etc.)… but it’s probably the most widely-praised piece of the show overall.
If you’re interested in soundtracks at all, Varese Sarabande has released music from the first four seasons on CD, available online through an Amazonian retailer (among others)… and you can also download through the iTunes store if you go that way. (I know I can recommend individual tracks to download if you’re at all interested for a taste… as I’m sure some of the other readers can as well.)
Any thoughts? Would love to hear!
@nighten: That’s a great topic, and I’ll definitely keep it in mind, especially if Lost ever reveals to me what the deal with Christian Shephard is. Argh, why is he everywhere?!
@Kevin: Good point. I should have mentioned the music a long time ago, because it is amazing. Definitely one of the best TV soundtracks I’ve ever heard. I’m not sure there’s much to overthink there, and if there is, I’m not sure I’d know where to start. If you’ve ever read this site’s music-related posts you’ll soon realize I know absolutely nothing about music theory. I’m not really sure I’d like listening to it on its own, either. It works really well as a TV soundtrack–in other words, in context. But I’ll keep this topic in mind, too. Maybe I’ll come up with something interesting to say…
@mlawski: oh, that’s a good point — as far as “overthinking” the music, I don’t know that you really can. There are no hidden clues or subtext to the music… though I should add that if there IS, I’m probably not educated enough in music theory to decode them. So you’re right, maybe this isn’t the best place to discuss it.
I will say, though, that what makes the music so good is that I think it stands alone as well-crafted, beautiful music — you can listen to it independent of the show and enjoy it. (I gave some of it to my parents, who’ve only seen a few episodes here and there over the years, and they loved it.) It’s one of the few shows — maybe even the only show currently on the air — to be scored each week by an orchestra, not a single person sitting at their synthesizer. And the instrumentation is quite clever — for percussion, Giacchino used the sides of… airplanes, though that pretty much went away after S1. (It also helps if you’re into gentler music — he scores action scenes well enough, but where he shines are the slow, quieter moments.)
P.S. If you’re curious for a listen… I recommend “Parting Words” from the S1 soundtrack, then probably “Life and Death.” But there are a whole slew of great tracks from across the series.
P.P.S. On second thought, there actually *is* something to “overthink” regarding Giacchino’s score — how he comes up with some of the awful puns for his song titles, or alternately what obscure media reference he’s making in them…
“Thinking about all this stuff is giving me nosebleeds. In any event, it does seem like Lost is trying to set up some time loops here. ” nosebleed huh? hehehehe just wait until season 5 if you wanna talk about nosebleeds.
I LOVED season 4, after struggling through season 3 really believing the writers had no idea what they were doing or where things were going season 4 showed just how very wrong I was. It is awesome the way some of the big mysteries play out and some of the relationship dramas unfold. I started to love characters I didn’t like before, namely Juliette and started to hate some characters I used to like, such as Sayid who just keeps torturing and killing people season after season regardles of his oath(s) to not do that.
And The Constant is just about the best sappy ending in the history of TV. Desmond is such a strong character, and played by such a talented actor, that what could have come across as a cheesey romance plot was brilliant
Exciting news for LOST fans!
This Saturday, September 12, in Anaheim, CA, LOST cast members are going to be making a public appearance at Disney’s D23 Convention; additionally some really fantastic pieces of LOST history are going to be on display- including Kate’s toy plane, Hurley’s winning lottery ticket, Locke’s hunting knife, Sawyer’s letter and many other surprises! These items will be on view Thursday September 10 through Sunday, September 13, the entire weekend of D23, and will be up for auction after the series finale in May of 2010.
Look for the guys in the Dharma suits!
for the full story, go to profilesinhistory.com