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Open Thread for August 14, 2009

It seems sacrilegious to note that the passing of Les Paul and the opening of Bandslam have been folded into the same news cycle. But here we are.

More interesting, I guess to note the opening of District 9. Here in LA, every other bus shelter and billboard has the “For Humans Only” logo up, and when I landed here 2 weeks ago, I was wondering what all the fuss is about. Turns out it’s about alien apartheid in South Africa. Go figure.

Oh, and Mad Men is back this Sunday. I’d be fascinated to hear what you, the Overthinking Street Team (I nearly wrote Overthinking Army, by analogy to KISS army… do you have a better name for this site’s readership? Probably. Leave it below!) think of that show.

Still, for deeper overthinking, we might turn to the legacy of Woodstock on this, its 40th anniversary (that’s the Ruby Anniversary, according to Miz Emily Post) and consider what 40 years of peace, love, and music has meant to us. Or to our parents.

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