
If Doc Brown Were a REAL Scientist - Overthinking It
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If Doc Brown Were a REAL Scientist


Well, I just couldn’t help myself.  After my Über-GedankenTM experimental ramblings last week on some scientific caveats to time travel, I got to thinking–er–OverThinkingTM how the scientific process itself would play out after such a monumental discovery.  After all, while most people–even scientists themselves–see science as the abstract pursuit of truth, the elucidation of the workings of the universe, in reality it’s also a business.

Some thoughts and an original webcomic, after the jump…

While I’ve been a so-called “professional scientist” for a few years now (at least, that’s what I call myself to make “terminal grad student” sound more palatable), my recent return to Back to the Future marks the first time I’ve seen this film since being so-employed.  And, despite the soul-hollowing pleas uttered by whatever vestigial bits of my youth are still hanging around in my head*, I found that my adult response to Act 1 of BTTF1 was so dramatically different from my reaction as a youth that I was stymied.  Is this the hindsight of wisdom?  The professional corruption of my soul?  Maybe a little of column-A, a little of column-B…

Anyway, as a public service –a window in the scientists’ collective hive-mind, if you will–I present below my own rendition of what would immediately follow the first ever demonstration of time-travel.  Please enjoy.  Or be terrified.  Actually, again it’s probably safer to go a little of column-A, a little of column-B:

OTI makes the leap into web comics. Somehow I don't think the "Penny Arcade" guys are scared.

*-no, I don’t hear voices in my head.**

**-I mean, most of the time, I don’t.

Like it?  Hate it?  Want a T-shirt of it?  Wanna hear me ramble incoherently about the internal politics that biologists resort to when it comes time to list authors’ names on papers?  Sound off in the comments!

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