Episode 18: Erection Fever

Matthew Wrather and Mark Lee welcome political operative Josh McNeil to Overthink™: Viral Video and the Election SNL: Funny or Not Funny 100% of Statistics are Made Up The City of Las Vegas Favorite Fictional Presidents Overthink This McNeil: Sons … Continued

Matthew Wrather and Mark Lee welcome political operative Josh McNeil to Overthink™:

  • Viral Video and the Election
  • SNL: Funny or Not Funny
  • 100% of Statistics are Made Up
  • The City of Las Vegas
  • Favorite Fictional Presidents

Overthink This

  • McNeil: Sons of Anarchy (http://www.hulu.com/sons-of-anarchy)
  • Lee: FiveThirtyEight (http://www.fivethirtyeight.com)
  • Wrather: The Final Episodes of The Shield (http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/originals/the_shield)

As always, leave a voicemail at (203) 285-6401 (that’s 20-EAT-LOG-01) or email at podcast at overthinkingit dot com.

Download Episode 18 (MP3)

5 Comments on “Episode 18: Erection Fever”

  1. Javier #

    Great episode, fellas. And, just to clarify, only 35% of people who live in Vegas actually work for a casino. =)


  2. Matt #

    Stop telling me to watch the Wire.


  3. Gab #

    Hey, were you talking about me?

    HAHA, maybe I’ll leave you a voicemail just because of that.

    So do you guys think I’m creepy?


  4. Gab #

    *guys and gal

    Top Five Fictional Presidents In No Particular Order:

    Thomas J. Whitmore (Independence Day) (I’m glad you mentioned him)

    Andrew Shepard (The American President) (I’m glad you mentioned him, too) (And it was, “My name is Andrew Sheperd, and I AM the president.”)

    Jeff Bridges (The Contender)

    Russel P. Kramer and Matt Douglas (My Fellow Americans) (I count this as one pick)

    Tom Beck (Deep Impact)

    Honorable Mention:

    Arnold Schwarzenegger (Demolition Man)

    And Al Franken started out as an actor on SNL, during some of its best years. Stuart Smalley, remember? Then he started writing politically humorous books, like “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot,” and “LIES and the Lying Liars that Tell Them” (and “The Truth (With Jokes)”) (I have all of them). Those books proved his political savvy, and when he started hosting on Air America, he got an even larger following that urged him to run. He did, and now we’re waiting on the recount results. I *really* hope he pulls it out- I was one of the fans that thought he was too smart and cared too much not to run.


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