Growing ties and family pains

Overthinkers, today I’ll leave off the deep analysis and instead turn to some heavy lifting. It’s something that I can only do after years of training, but it’s something you all need to be able to do. It’s your duty. … Continued

Overthinkers, today I’ll leave off the deep analysis and instead turn to some heavy lifting.

It’s something that I can only do after years of training, but it’s something you all need to be able to do. It’s your duty.

I don’t want to hear any of you thinking to yourselves, “Wait, is that the theme song to Family Ties? Wait, no, I think it’s Growing Pains. I’m certain. I think.” ever again.



Probably half your generation ask themselves that question at least once a year. Only you can help them.

Once you’re sure you’ve got it – and I mean really sure you’ve got it, be proud. You are now an overthinker. The best is ready to begin! Sha la la la!

Here is your reward!

3 Comments on “Growing ties and family pains”

  1. Gab #

    Nice job, two of the three links don’t work. ;p

    But do people seriously get those themes confused? I mean, damn…


  2. Misterbixby #

    I’ve long thought it criminal that the age of the over-produced and schmaltzy theme song has passed and the best we get is the first two seasons of The Unit’s theme song (Fired Up … Feels Good) and the lesser quality Walk the Fire from seasons three and four. God I miss the eighties.


  3. Misterbixby #

    OK, I must amend my prior statement. How I forgot about the masterful Barenaked Ladies joint composed for the equally masterful The Big Bang Theory, I’ll never know. Nor shall I forgive myself for the lapse. It doesn’t have the same endearing cloying sap of the aforementioned sitcoms, but it at least keeps the relevant-to-the-subject-matter-of-the-show theme song tradition alive and breathing.

    Also, if you are not watching The Big Bang Theory, it is the show we geeks have been waiting for all our lives.


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