Okay, towards the end of the movie, Indy has the ark on a boat. A German sub stops the ship. They take the ark and Marion onboard the submarine. Then we see Indy swim over to the sub… dissolve to a map sequence.
I’ve never really considered it before, but are we supposed to believe that Indy stows away aboard the u-boat? Because that seems ridiculously unlikely. First of all, don’t you enter a sub through the bridge? And even if you get on it, where is there to hide? How can you possible stay unnoticed for days?
Obviously, you’ve never seen the inside of a U-boat…the interior of those things are lined with khaki tapestries and rugged leather trim. Also, Nazi vision is based on movement.
I always assumed he just hung onto the outside and held his breath.
Maybe you all don’t realize this, but in the era that the movie takes place, submarines very rarely ever actually submerged unless they were evading an enemy or attacking. This is because in the past, underwater they were battery powered and very slow. They usually ran on the surface with their diesel motors charging the batteries for emergencies and such. They were also very slow underwater, usually only able to travel around 5 knots. And there was no way to “make” fresh oxygen, they had to surface to get fresh air. On the surface, they run like any other boat. It was not until much later on that sub’s usually ran underwater.
The way I remember it, the map montage that follows definitely includes footage of the sub going under. But I’m gonna check that and get back to you.
– Matt
This is why Harrison Ford wasn’t Jack Ryan in Hunt For Red October, but in the other movies that followed
Not only that, the sub went to an island. The ark killed all the Nazis. Did Indy and Marion pilot that sub back to mainland by themselves? Did they have to commandeer it with remaining Nazis, threatening to open the ark in case they try something funny?